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  • Project Research
  • 1-5 Chapters
  • Abstract : Available
  • Table of Content: Available
  • Reference Style: APA
  • Recommended for : Student Researchers
  • NGN 5000

Statement of the Problem

Most widely used management style in the construction industry has involved management by threat. Construction workers are often abused by their supervisors but they continue to work when it is difficult to find other employment (Mphati, 2008). This fact was also supported by Ngwu and Ogunoh (2015), who opined that one of the major problems facing the building 6 construction industry in Nigeria is the inability of management to meet most of the vital conditions of labour at work site. Losses in construction human resource productivity have often been attributed to poor management of construction projects and construction professionals (Sathe, Patil and Waghmare, 2017). Eldin and Eggar (1990) cited by Aiyetan and Olotuah (2006) noted that construction productivity has been declining steadily in spite of the rising cost and large labour intensive nature of construction projects. The decline in workers performance causes the failure of most building industries to deliver projects timely with the obvious consequences of cost overrun (Aiyetan and Olotuah, 2006). Despite all the motivational theories propounded by past philosophers, academicians, scholars and employed as motivational strategies by organizations, it has become increasingly difficult for projects to be completed within the scheduled budget, time and to meet up with the specified standard in Nigeria (Lawal and Okhankhuele, 2014). All over the world, especially in developing countries like Nigeria, construction workers are becoming more and more displeased due to unsatisfactory working conditions occasioned by economic downturn (Lawal and Okhankhuele, 2014). The present craftsmen who constitute about 60% of the direct construction workers in every project site, have not shown marked improvement in their performance since the exit of master craftsmen in 1970s (Chukwuji, 2012). This same author equally stated that many genuine developers, designers and construction managers have continued to indicate their serious concern on the low output and poor quality of work of this generation of craftsmen, especially on construction projects executed by indigenous contractors. Sawczuk (1996:50) indicates that contractors should set the standard early in the contract and get the workforce motivated to continue work at the set standards. Despite these recommendations, time delays, time overruns and poor quality still occur in construction projects. The current research study seeks to determine if project objectives can be successfully achieved if they are aligned with motivation. At the project sites in the south-eastern states, there is an observed low productivity (Umeadi, 2011, Chukwuji, 2012; Ngwu and Ogunoh, 2015;). There is also a high turnover rate and absenteeism among crafts workers employed by 7 companies and these factors have negative effects on the completion time, cost and quality of projects executed within the area, which most of the time lead to serious disputes and litigations among the project parties. Unfortunately, in spite of the availability of a myriad of study recommendations from past works on motivational measures, including the existence of models on productivity of workmen, none of them is specifically directed to building tradesmen in the study area. Moreover, such models are generic in nature and do not take into consideration the peculiar nature of the needs and psychology of workers in the study area. This is due to the dearth of research in this very important area in Construction Management

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